Draexlmaier Group, along with other companies founded the first professional education training in Electromechanics in Timisoara.
The project goal is to train future professionals. The benefits for students at graduation are multiple: a profession highly specialized in a sector where requirements are high, combining theoretical knowledge with practice at Draexlmaier. During the two years of study, students are supported both by the educational institution, ie college “King Ferdinand I” which has a sustainable collaboration with Draexlmaier.
Students receive a monthly scholarship of 400 RON and all transportation is provided by the company. During practical classes students are always assisted by a specialist that transmits its entire know-how, therefore, finishing the two years of study, graduates will be able to start working immediately.
Given the novelty of this project in Romania and the tradition enjoyed by German professional education, Draexlmaier Group facilitated an exchange of experiences among educational institutions in the two countries. More specifically, this week has been present in Romania in an experience exchange, a group of professional school students from Wasserburg.
In Germany, Draexlmaier Group has an active collaboration with this educational institution, a pair of students are doing internships in the company. The experience exchange is first of all an exchange of information for a continuous improvement program modeled by German dual professional education. Students from Wasserburg were accommodated in Ferdinand professional school; they visited this school in Romania and attended classes. For four days, German students conducted a practice in Draexlmaier Company in Timisoara.
It is very important to share experiences in order to learn positive things from experiences of other countries and other educational systems. Pupils from professional schools in Romania and are studying to become electro-mechanic experts, can have a positive example from the long experience of the system in Germany. On the other hand, students from Wasserburg can see new educational programs similar to theirs, and various production activities which they may choose to work in the future” said Valerian Laval, commercial director of the factory.
At the end of this week of experience exchange, students from both countries will make a presentation of the most important things learned during the time spent together.